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Looking for a custom solution of thermal conductive gel? We are one of the top-rated and leading suppliers of thermal management materials and can tailor high-performance thermal conductive gel to meet your needs!

  • Type: Single-component / Two-component
  • Thermal Conductivity: 1.5~9W/m*K
  • Hardness: Shore 00 5~80
  • Insulating Properties: ≥8KV/mm
  • Aging Resistance: Excellent performance with ≤ 10% attenuation at 125℃ & 1000h


Know about our thermal conductive gel

Our thermal conductive gel is a liquid-state silicone material available in single-component or two-component forms. With its high viscosity and thermal conductivity, it's engineered to enhance heat transfer efficiency between electronic components, serving as an effective thermal interface material.

This gel is designed to meet the specific demands of low pressure and high compression modulus during product usage. As a versatile liquid assembly material, it addresses heat transfer challenges for electronic components, ensuring enhanced stability and safety for equipment in operation.

Its excellent plasticity allows for the complete filling of irregular surfaces, catering to diverse thermal management requirements across various applications. This makes it a highly stable and reliable choice for thermal interface materials.

Why choose our thermal conductive gels?

Our thermal conductive gels are meticulously designed with low internal stress and superior surface adhesion, catering to diverse requirements across various industries. This ensures a versatile thermal management solution that's well-suited for a broad spectrum of industrial applications.

One of the standout features of our gels is their exceptional thermal conductivity. When applied to fill thermal management gaps in industrial settings, these gels' unique liquid properties enable maximum gap filling, adapting to complex environments and boosting overall thermal performance effectiveness. This makes our gels particularly effective for high-gap thermal management scenarios.

Being a high-viscosity liquid thermal conductive material, our gel retains its original shape during use. This prevents it from flowing into non-thermal management areas, thereby safeguarding surrounding electronic components from any adverse effects.

Moreover, as a silicone-based liquid material, our gel eliminates concerns related to oiling and drying, which could otherwise stress delicate electronic components. This user-friendly thermal interface material offers enhanced flexibility, expanding its applicability across a wide range of thermal management needs. Thus, our gels stand out as a flexible and reliable choice for effective thermal management.


Characteristics of our thermal conductive gel

We are always committed to offering expert thermal management solutions, providing specialized thermal conductive gel tailored to diverse industry requirements. Our gel boasts the following features:

Superior affinity

Capable of filling complex interfaces effectively.

Gentle pressure

Exerts minimal pressure on electronic components, catering to the needs of precision electronics.

Precision dosing

Allows for fixed-point dosing control, optimizing material usage.

Customizable flow

Adaptable to various industry requirements.


Practical design suitable for a wide range of applications.


Our thermal conductive gel offers several advantages that enhance overall thermal management efficiency:


Ensures stable bonding.


Efficient thermal performance.


Suitable for automated processes.


Minimizes impact on components.


Resists pump-out and cracking.


Easy rework and utilization at later stag

Tailored for automotive applications

Our thermal conductive gel is specifically designed for extreme environments, with a focus on addressing the challenging thermal management needs of new energy vehicle battery packs.

Our gel offers a swift and efficient thermal management solution, effectively filling thermal interface gaps and ensuring reliable vertical stability for battery packs. With its capability for high-volume production, our Thermal Conductive Gel meets the industry's demanding thermal management requirements effectively.